It takes several years for a child’s immune system to develop.
Dymla®ONE carrycot provides protection for babies especially in their first months of their life using a specific air filter.
Our immune system takes many years to develop before it can protect us against most bacteria and viruses. Young children run a high risk of infection as their immune system is not fully developed. Until the child begins developing their own antibodies it is dependent on the mother’s immune defense for protection against diseases. Some of the mother’s antibodies are passed to the unborn child during the third trimester of the pregnancy, but unfortunately in newborns this immunity is only temporary and starts to decrease after a few weeks. Children who breastfeed receive a certain degree of increased passive immunity, but unfortunately not all mothers are able to breastfeed. Even in children who do breastfeed, it is unclear how many antibodies can be absorbed from the breast milk and how effective these antibodies are to resist diseases.
Therefore, during their first few months of life, babies are extremely fragile, because they have not been able to build up their immune defense and have not yet received their first vaccinations. From an anatomical perspective, infants also have a tougher time fighting infections compared to older children. To an adult, a cold caused by something such as the RSV virus often causes minor symptoms such as a runny nose and cough, but for babies the complications can be far greater, including difficulty breathing. This is because babies, with their small airways, have trouble expelling mucous. Dymla®ONE has been developed to give your child the best possible protection during its first sensitive months of life.

Some of the viruses and bacteria Dymla®ONE provides effective protection against:
- Common colds and flu
- Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
- Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Measles
- Pertussis (Whooping cough)
- Polio
- Rotavirus
- Diphtheria
- Tetanus
- Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) infection
- Mumps
- Rubella
Dymla® ONE carrycot provides 98.98% protection for your baby
Dymla®ONE carrycot includes a special air filter that protects your baby against viruses and bacteria.